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The Viewing Room presents films from around the world, which are recently completed or still in post-production, at the Film Bazaar. These films are looking for film festivals, world sales, distribution partners and also finishing funds.

Viewing Room connects Sellers (filmmakers) with Buyers (film programmers, distributors, world sales agents and investors) from around the world. Buyers are able to watch the films, access details about the films as well as contact the filmmakers through the specially designed Viewing Room Software. This is a highly restricted zone with the aim of making it a safe space for filmmakers who submit their unreleased films. 

To create a more user-friendly experience, buyers can choose to view the films / film clips on the basis of parameters like duration, language, stage of completion, type and festival history, among others. The details of the films are compiled into the Viewing Room catalogue that is distributed to all the registered delegates at the Market and will be available on the website, prior to the Film Bazaar 2024.

Film Bazaar Recommends (FBR), are films recommended specially by the Film Bazaar programmer. This is a specially curated section of the Film Bazaar.

Applications for Viewing Room 2024 are now live.


Film Bazaar Recommends (FBR)

Film Bazaar Recommends are short, mid and feature length films recommended specially by the Film Bazaar programmer from among the film submissions. This is a specially curated section of the Film Bazaar. Projects selected for the FBR section will get a chance to pitch their films at NFDC Film Bazaar.

Film Library (FL)

All feature-length film submissions to the Viewing Room are showcased in a section called Film Library. These films are classified as documentary and fiction, and have either been completed or are in the last stages of post-production. This section gives viewers a wide selection of contemporary Indian-language films.

Mid-length and Short Films (M/SF)

Films with a running time between 30-70 minutes that are submitted to the Viewing Room are showcased in a category called Mid-Length Films. Films with a running time of less than 30 minutes that are submitted to the Viewing Room are showcased in a category called Short Films.


Before you begin, please read the Rules | Regulations for guidelines on filling the online Application Form as well as Submission of Materials. Please also read the Undertaking which has to be submitted along with the application for it to be considered complete. For any further queries, please read the FAQs.

  • The Viewing Room is open to all films from all over the world.
  • The films can be of any duration and genre.
  • The films can be complete or in any stage of post-production.
  • Ideally, these films should be seeking finishing funds, world sales, distribution partners and/or film festivals.

In order to apply for the Viewing Room, please create a MyFilmBazaar Login account by clicking here. All complete submissions that have paid the application fee by the due date will be showcased in the Viewing Room. When you apply, you will need:

  • Details of the applicant (Director, Producer, Production company)
  • Synopsis (150 words max)
  • Director’s Note (150 words max)
  • Filmography of director and producer (Please mention the film name – duration – the year of completion of film. Only mention the films where the director has a ‘Director’ credit and producer, the ‘producer’ credit.)
  • A password protected, downloadable screener link of the film.
  • Three stills of the submitted film (These should be three images from the film and not production/working stills.)
  • Director’s photograph

Filmmakers can opt to showcase their films / film clips in the Viewing Room even if they choose not to register as a delegate of NFDC Film Bazaar.
The Viewing Room enables the person viewing the film to contact the filmmaker directly via email. Additionally, the email address provided by the filmmaker in the application form will also be printed in the catalogue.
This application is only for submitting films to the Viewing Room. Filmmakers who have submitted their films to the Viewing Room and choose to attend Film Bazaar physically will have to register as a delegate for NFDC Film Bazaar by paying the registration fee for NFDC Film Bazaar 2024. For more info, click HERE.
Films interested in Gap Financing | Finishing Funds should have all or a large part of the principal photography complete, but should not have had a theatrical release.
A filmmaker can also choose to submit the film in the Work-in-Progress Lab section, if the film being submitted in the Viewing Room is not a completed film. (for more information, please read the RULES | REGULATIONS)
NFDC Film Bazaar has the right to reject the film if guidelines and regulations are not adhered to and/or submissions are incomplete/ in wrong format/ past due date or any other reason specific to the film submitted. The decision of NFDC Film Bazaar is final.

  • Regular Deadline – September 15, 2024 (11:59 PM IST).
  • Extended Deadline – October 05, 2024 (11:59 PM IST).
  • Applications will not be considered complete until the fee has been received.
  • Please note that the date of receipt of fee will be considered as the date of submission of your application.




Regular Deadline - September 15, 2024#

Viewing Room (shorts) INR 6000*/- INR 5000*/-
Viewing Room (Mid-Length) INR 7000*/- INR 6000*/-
Viewing Room (features) INR 8000*/- INR 7000*/-
Work-in-Progress Lab INR 9000*/- Documentaries Not Accepted
Viewing Room & Work-in-Progress Lab INR 10000*/- Documentaries Not Accepted

Extended Deadline - October 05, 2024#
Viewing Room (shorts) INR 7000*/- INR 6000*/-
Viewing Room (mid-length) INR 8000*/- INR 7000*/-
Viewing Room (features) INR 10000*/- INR 9000*/-
Work-in-Progress Lab INR 10000*/- Documentaries Not Accepted
Viewing Room & Work-in-Progress Lab INR 11000*/- Documentaries Not Accepted

#Deadline for Entries is Midnight (IST)
All fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. Inclusive of all taxes; exclusive of any/all bank charge(s).


For further clarifications, write to us at (Fiction) and (Documentary - Non-Fiction)

  • The Viewing Room has restricted entry and allows only registered delegates who are buyers, world sales agents, distributors, film festival directors and representatives of digital platforms dealing with acquisitions to watch films/ film clips of the submitted films. This is decided by the Film Bazaar team.
  • A participating filmmaker is not given access to the Viewing Room by virtue of having his/her film on the platform, even if he/she is a registered delegate of NFDC Film Bazaar.
  • After you have registered successfully as a delegate of NFDC Film Bazaar, if you wish to know whether you have access to the Viewing Room, you can write to

The NFDC Film Bazaar is a B2B platform aimed at promotion of South Asian films to an international and national market. The Viewing Room at NFDC Film Bazaar is a paid platform provided to filmmakers to individually promote their film to international film festivals, world sales agents and buyers. This platform shall neither be construed as a commercial exploitation platform for the films in any manner nor shall it be construed that NFDC owns any exploitation rights of such films being promoted on this platform. Participation on this platform is confirmed on receipt of completed application submission and payment and is not on a merit basis. The Film Bazaar Recommends section is curated by an external consultant from amongst the submitted films to the Viewing Room for purposes of highlighting contemporary styles of filmmaking. NFDC does not guarantee the authenticity and credibility of the filmmakers exhibiting the films via Viewing Room.
The films submitted are either in the rough cut or claim to be completed films. The final cut or content of the films may change after promotional exhibition via the Viewing Room, at the sole discretion of the respective filmmakers. All content of the films is provided on an “AS IS” or “AS AVAILABLE” basis and NFDC does not control or vet user generated content for accuracy. NFDC does not make any representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, in relation to the films, its completeness, suitability, availability, accuracy, reliability, its contents or any other information made available in the Films or in the Viewing Room and any reliance you place on the same shall be strictly at your own risk.
The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the filmmakers through their individual films are their own and do not reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of NFDC as an organization and NFDC does not endorse and cannot be held responsible for the same. NFDC shall not be held responsible for any content, views or opinions expressed by individual filmmakers via their films promoted at the Film Bazaar.
NFDC shall not be held responsible if the films are not in conformity with the applicable laws including laws relating to intellectual property, racism, blasphemy, defamation and privacy and NFDC hereby disclaims all liability arising from exhibition of the films via the Viewing Room.

  • The Viewing Room is open to all films from all over the world.
  • The films can be of any duration and genre.
  • The films can be complete or in any stage of post-production.
  • Ideally, these films should be seeking finishing funds, world sales, distribution partners and/or film festivals.

In order to apply for the Viewing Room, please create a MyFilmBazaar Login account by clicking here. All complete submissions that have paid the application fee by the due date will be showcased in the Viewing Room. When you apply, you will need:

  • Details of the applicant (Director, Producer, Production company)
  • Synopsis (150 words max)
  • Director’s Note (150 words max)
  • Filmography of director and producer (Please mention the film name – duration – the year of completion of film. Only mention the films where the director has a ‘Director’ credit and producer, the ‘producer’ credit.)
  • A password protected, downloadable screener link of the film.
  • Three stills of the submitted film (These should be three images from the film and not production/working stills.)
  • Director’s photograph

Filmmakers can opt to showcase their films / film clips in the Viewing Room even if they choose not to register as a delegate of NFDC Film Bazaar.
The Viewing Room enables the person viewing the film to contact the filmmaker directly via email. Additionally, the email address provided by the filmmaker in the application form will also be printed in the catalogue.
This application is only for submitting films to the Viewing Room. Filmmakers who have submitted their films to the Viewing Room and choose to attend Film Bazaar physically will have to register as a delegate for NFDC Film Bazaar by paying the registration fee for NFDC Film Bazaar 2024. For more info, click HERE.
Films interested in Gap Financing | Finishing Funds should have all or a large part of the principal photography complete, but should not have had a theatrical release.
A filmmaker can also choose to submit the film in the Work-in-Progress Lab section, if the film being submitted in the Viewing Room is not a completed film. (for more information, please read the RULES | REGULATIONS)
NFDC Film Bazaar has the right to reject the film if guidelines and regulations are not adhered to and/or submissions are incomplete/ in wrong format/ past due date or any other reason specific to the film submitted. The decision of NFDC Film Bazaar is final.

  • Regular Deadline – September 15, 2024 (11:59 PM IST).
  • Extended Deadline – October 05, 2024 (11:59 PM IST).
  • Applications will not be considered complete until the fee has been received.
  • Please note that the date of receipt of fee will be considered as the date of submission of your application.




Regular Deadline - September 15, 2024#

Viewing Room (shorts) INR 6000*/- INR 5000*/-
Viewing Room (Mid-Length) INR 7000*/- INR 6000*/-
Viewing Room (features) INR 8000*/- INR 7000*/-
Work-in-Progress Lab INR 9000*/- Documentaries Not Accepted
Viewing Room & Work-in-Progress Lab INR 10000*/- Documentaries Not Accepted

Extended Deadline - October 05, 2024#
Viewing Room (shorts) INR 7000*/- INR 6000*/-
Viewing Room (mid-length) INR 8000*/- INR 7000*/-
Viewing Room (features) INR 10000*/- INR 9000*/-
Work-in-Progress Lab INR 10000*/- Documentaries Not Accepted
Viewing Room & Work-in-Progress Lab INR 11000*/- Documentaries Not Accepted

#Deadline for Entries is Midnight (IST)
All fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. Inclusive of all taxes; exclusive of any/all bank charge(s).

For further clarifications, write to us at (Fiction) and (Documentary - Non-Fiction)

  • The Viewing Room has restricted entry and allows only registered delegates who are buyers, world sales agents, distributors, film festival directors and representatives of digital platforms dealing with acquisitions to watch films/ film clips of the submitted films. This is decided by the Film Bazaar team.
  • A participating filmmaker is not given access to the Viewing Room by virtue of having his/her film on the platform, even if he/she is a registered delegate of NFDC Film Bazaar.
  • After you have registered successfully as a delegate of NFDC Film Bazaar, if you wish to know whether you have access to the Viewing Room, you can write to

The NFDC Film Bazaar is a B2B platform aimed at promotion of South Asian films to an international and national market. The Viewing Room at NFDC Film Bazaar is a paid platform provided to filmmakers to individually promote their film to international film festivals, world sales agents and buyers. This platform shall neither be construed as a commercial exploitation platform for the films in any manner nor shall it be construed that NFDC owns any exploitation rights of such films being promoted on this platform. Participation on this platform is confirmed on receipt of completed application submission and payment and is not on a merit basis. The Film Bazaar Recommends section is curated by an external consultant from amongst the submitted films to the Viewing Room for purposes of highlighting contemporary styles of filmmaking. NFDC does not guarantee the authenticity and credibility of the filmmakers exhibiting the films via Viewing Room.
The films submitted are either in the rough cut or claim to be completed films. The final cut or content of the films may change after promotional exhibition via the Viewing Room, at the sole discretion of the respective filmmakers. All content of the films is provided on an “AS IS” or “AS AVAILABLE” basis and NFDC does not control or vet user generated content for accuracy. NFDC does not make any representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, in relation to the films, its completeness, suitability, availability, accuracy, reliability, its contents or any other information made available in the Films or in the Viewing Room and any reliance you place on the same shall be strictly at your own risk.
The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the filmmakers through their individual films are their own and do not reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of NFDC as an organization and NFDC does not endorse and cannot be held responsible for the same. NFDC shall not be held responsible for any content, views or opinions expressed by individual filmmakers via their films promoted at the Film Bazaar.
NFDC shall not be held responsible if the films are not in conformity with the applicable laws including laws relating to intellectual property, racism, blasphemy, defamation and privacy and NFDC hereby disclaims all liability arising from exhibition of the films via the Viewing Room.